I'm Ellie Jones and this is my blog, which I use Blogger, a Google service, to host my blog on. In summary, my blog is a product of my tweaks, choices and creativity Blogger's service allows me to perform on its provided blog template. Likewise, I write, create and post my personal content on my blog in line with how Blogger allows me to display and share this with you all. The information and data I see and use from yourself (visitors) is therefore fairly limited in relation to what I produce on my blog. Blogger as a service therefore has its own regulations and privacy policies in relation to the general tasks it performs as a service for everyone's blogs on Blogger. Below is my very simple privacy policy basically stating the data of visitors to my blog that I see, store and use in relation to my very basic level of blogging and use of the Blogger service in which I present my blog on. If you have any concerns please don't hesitate to contact myself at the email address ellie.ebs@outlook.com.
How can visitors consent to this privacy policy?
Visitors consent to this privacy policy by continuing to use my blog and accept to the use of cookies by clicking okay on the cookies pop-up that appears at the top of my blog when they first visit it. If you are under 16 years of age you must gain consent from your responsible parental person.
Personal data my blog collects:
Personal data my blog appears to collect includes names or usernames when leaving a comment and any personal information visitors may choose to include in their comment, which they are responsible for providing or not and at their own risk. In terms of other data, Blogger's automated cookies pop-up, displayed when visitors first visit my blog, highlights that cookies are used on this blog. Likewise Blogger also collects data on browsers used to access my blog, locations of where visitors have accessed my blog from and links where visitors have accessed my blog from for Stats, which will be explained further in this policy. Other personal data that may be displayed on my blog may include names of those I publish collaborations with or for, such as business or blog owners. I will however gain their consent before including personal data of theirs on my blog, such as names or social media usernames, prior to publishing this. Any similar or other identifiable data published on my blog will otherwise only be published if it already accessible to the public and appropriate to use (such as for historical purposes discussing brand history for example or relating to general knowledge).
The comments are powered by Blogger as per the blog service they provide and to post a comment visitors are required to log into their Google account. By signing into your Google account on the comments section and/ or posting a comment visitors are consenting to Blogger and Google processing their data in relation to the action of posting a comment. I don't see this process; this is the responsibility of Blogger. I do however see the username visitors comments are displayed with and any personal data they choose to include, at their own responsibility and risk, in their comment. My blog is public therefore anyone can view any pages on my blog therefore visitors comments and usernames can be viewed by the public (those who view my blog). If you don't wish to consent to this then please do not post a comment on my blog. You can always contact me in many other ways lovelies!
As with many other websites cookies are collected on my blog, mostly processed by Blogger in relation to my blog as I don't feel I access or see any data in relation to cookies apart from data relating to Stats (which will be explained further shortly) and usernames and comments. Clicking okay on Blogger's automated cookies pop-up when you visit my blog means you consent to use of cookies in line with how Blogger collects and using cookies for the blogs it hosts. To disable cookies and/ or read more about cookies please click here (this is specified towards Google browsers however it may be helpful in guiding you in how to better understand, manage and disable cookies on other browsers also) https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en .
As part of Blogger's blog hosting service the following data is collected as per visitors visit to my blog,
- Number of page views of my blog of all visitors collectively
- Number of page views of individual posts and pages of all visitors collectively
- Traffic sources and referencing URLs and sites (links clicked to access my blog)
- Browsers used to view my blog
- Countries visitors view my blog in
- Operating systems visitors use to view my blog with.
This data is not recorded and displayed to myself in any identifiable way.
Third parties and links:
Third parties and links on my blog include:
- Links to other websites I may include in posts or on pages
- Links to social media pages I may include in posts or on pages, including my social media link buttons displayed on my blog homepage.
When visitors click these links this privacy policy does not extend to their use of those sites and their personal data and privacy is then the responsibility of the third party site they choose to click the link to and no longer my responsibility. I would therefore advise familiarising yourselves with the privacy policies or those other third party sites.
Why it collects this data:
Collecting usernames with comments is done so I can identify who has left a comment, respond to them and view their Google account to share credit for their work and creativity as they have done so by leaving a comment on my post, by viewing their blog for example, if they have one. Cookies collect data to optimist your experience on my blog as per Blogger's policies. Stats enable me to develop an understanding of my audience (my visitors) and the content they best enjoy that I create and how I can better tailor my content to their enjoyment and experience. I include third parties on my blog to share my other creative outlets with my visitors so they can hopefully further enjoy and explore my creativity and reach me on different platforms. I tend to include links to offer additional information, such as where to find a product or a good source of advise however I also provide links on occasions were I have published collaborations to share the work of those I have collaborated with in line with the agreements of our collaborations. The same applies to social media links of other I provide.
Where this data is held:
As mentioned before, once links of third parties are clicked visitors are actively moving away from my blog and my privacy policy no longer applies to their use of those sites therefore please refer to the privacy policies of those sights for their storing of their data. In terms of comments and usernames displayed with comments this are stored both on the pages they are posted on and within the comments section of my Blogger account where I manage my blog.Cookies are stored in browsers visitors access my blog with and I don't personally see this information, apart from that generalised, non-identifiable information collected for Stats on my blog. Like with comments, data for Stats are stored in the Stats section of my Blogger account from where I can manage my blog. In terms of any identifiable data that consent has been given to publish on my blog as per collaborations or example, this data will be stored in the post which is displayed to the public (visitors) and in the post or page's draft form on my Blogger account.
How long this data is stored for:
For third parties please see their policies. For cookies please refer to support relating to the browsers used to access my blog on. Usernames and comments are stored on the pages they are posted on and the comment section of my Blogger account for either the foreseeable future or until removed by myself or the comment publisher for any reason. If the publisher removes the comment and their username if still appearing above a "This comment has been removed by author" sign then please contact myself via my email address ellie.ebs@outlook.com so I can manually remove the comment via the comment section on my Blogger account where I can mange comments. In terms of data collected for Stats, this informed in stored on my Blogger account for the foreseeable future as per Blogger's blog hosting site service. This means I am able to view this data as per "All time", meaning ever since my blog has been published. In terms of that for things like collaborations, data will be stored on my blog for as long as the post is published. In draft form the data will be present there for the foreseeable future unless the post is deleted from this posts/ drafts section of my Blogger account.
Who has access to this data:
That I know, only myself as logged in to my Blogger account and Blogger can see data like Stats. Cookies I am not aware that I am able to access and do not believe I have seen this data however I presume Blogger may be able to see this. Public data, like comments and personal business or service data (like those I have published collaborations with) can be seen by all visitors. Again please refer to third parties for their policies in relation to their access to visitor data. As stated previously, when visitors click third party links they are consenting to leaving my blog and my privacy policy therefore foes not extend responsibility for processing of their data by the third parties. Any personal data published with consent in posts or on pages is view-able to all, the public (visitors) and in its draft form view-able to myself and I presume Blogger.
What security measures my blog has to protect this data:
To enhance security I have chose yes to HTTPS redirect in the Settings section of my blogger acount where I managed my blog, which according to Blogger means "Visitors to your blog will always go to https://elliebowsandsparkles.blogspot.com" and "Visitors to https://elliebowsandsparkles.blogspot.com will be served over HTTPS, an encrypted connection". I also do not share my Blogger account password with anyone.
How can visitors have personal data erased, changed or view their personal data I hold:
Simply contact my self via my email address ellie.ebs@outlook.com detailing what you wish to request.
I reserve the right to change this policy and this policy may change at any time. When it changes it comes into immediate effect and will be done so to improve visitors privacy and experience on my blog as per updates to how I may collect or store data. This policy will also be reviewed, which will be recorded below.
Published - 25/05/2018
Updated - 06/04/2024
Sources of information I used to aid myself in developing this policy and ensure my blog's compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation:
- http://ec.europa.eu/justice/smedataprotect/index_en.htm
- https://ico.org.uk/your-data-matters/
- https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/applications/children/
- https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/
- https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2016.119.01.0001.01.ENG#d1e2161-1-1
Again, if any visitors have any concerns regarding this policy, privacy and personal data on my blog or simply wish to contact me please contact myself via my email address ellie.ebs@outlook.com.
Ellie x