Ahh, where do I begin with this delight of a palette. To sum it up, this is one of my truly all time favourite palettes. For quality, the shadow's pigmentation is purely divine and the lasting power matches equally all so. In terms of colour selection I don't think Zoeva could have picked a more beautiful selections of rich gold and warm chocolate-y tones. Never mind chocolate heaven, this palette is pure coco heaven.
Two of my most favourite colours in the palette would have to be Substitute for Love and Pure Ganache. Substitute for Love is the perfect warm toned crease shade, that has a hint of orange sparkle but however is mostly matte. Even on my pale skin and with my brown eyes this orange-y toned warm shade really compliments my eyes. Paired with Pure Ganache all over the lid the two make a lovely rich rustic eye look that would complement any skin tone and eye colour. Pure Ganache alone is also beautiful. Its golden, light copper-y hues sit royally on the eye lid. No pigment nor glitter is lost either, whether that be on application or throughout the day.
Overall this is one of my most favourite palettes and the quality and lasting powers of the shadows seriously rival those of my Urban Decay ones. For £15.50 Zoeva have seriously combined two heavens, that of chocolate and eye shadow, into one for an extraordinarily affordable price. There is no question about it I will most certainly repurchase this eye shadow palette in the future if it ever runs out.
Ellie x
They all look like such nice shades! I love all the burnt orange shades.
They are all just beautiful! Especially the burnt orange shades; some of my favourites. :) I am so sorry I only just got your comment lovely I didn't get any notifications! :'( Thank you for your comment though it means lot to me! :) xx