Hello sunshine! :D And equally, hello sunshine's! So, today's little something of a makeup look is very much Summer inspired but for the delicate souls out there alike. Or just simply those looking for a hint of colour in their makeup without it being to daring. Okay so let's start by being truthfully honest, I can't remember the steps it took to create this look, nor some of the products (bad blogger I know!). Despite this though, a fair few products used were those I'm using up that aren't vegan and what I personally love about seeing other's makeup looks is being able to take the style and type of look and incorporate my own colours of choice into it! So, without further ado, I present to you a wee run down/ chit chat of how to create this bold yet gentle Summer makeup look, for the colour brave and colour shy, with any which colours and products you fancy!
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Eyes and Shadows -
For this look I went for a sort of spot light eye, utilising differing shades for each piece of the look. As a neutral transition, I started by building a light lilac in the crease. Now to bring in that contrast of colour, thanks to the build-able tones of the lilac, I chose to place an orange shade in my outer and inner corners, trying to gently blend into the lilac for softness. To really play on the spotlight and brightness I then chose green for the centre of the lid. This 'popped' but wasn't as harsh as the directly opposing option, blue. Being a colourful look, I felt engaging the lower lash line with the lid with various colours also made for a fitting yet delicate look. Underneath the lashes I chose a light pink as I felt this was a 'blending out area', like the lilac above, that required something slightly neutral. For a pop with delicateness however, and not so much noise, I then chose a green eye liner for the water line, which married up to the pop of colour in the spot light. If you're going bold with the colours I'd say take it wispy with the lashes; nothing too voluminous. And don't forget that all important final area to play on your colour and, in my instance, tie the look together. The inner corner of course! I chose a bright gold pigment (Peaches and Cream: Famous) to again add brightness but in a subtle jewelled-toned manner, to add warmth to the look gently and to play on the warmer tones in the look like the orange and pink.
Base -
In all honesty, I think go with whatever kind of base you like! Or more importantly a base and finish you know you are comfortable with as the bright colours may already be a step out of your comfort zone, which is never a bad thing but I wouldn't want to feel overwhelmed. I chose a medium dewy base because I like the glow it gives me. Especially in these Summer months! A fairly good touch of coverage also helps to make an even canvas to display the bright colours else wear. For this I used the B Flawless Silk Foundation in shade N1. I know this is base but I feel highlighter ties in nicely with base for this look. In contrary to foundation and setting, I feel an all over glow adds a very chic balance to a colourful look and gives ample opportunity for further colour adding but in the most delicately subtle way. In harmony with my lilac and pink eye tones (especially considering I've also doubled up on my greens and accentuated the orange with my gold pigment) I chose a super glow-y lilac tinted pigment to highlight all the usual high points of my face. Including cheekbones, nose, cupids bow and brow bow also ensures a sort of tying-together-effect, which again subtly pulls the tricky colourful tones pleasantly together in my opinion.
Blusher -
Now this is an area I really do feel requires balance to achieve a delicately bright makeup look as it can quite easily get a bit overwhelming colour-wise. Unless however you are feeling the need to unleash your absolute colour creativity and want to shine brightly, boldly and beautifully from even more angles! I love it! For this look, especially for the colour cautious, I would however recommend a super neutral blush. Preferably a pink shade as orange-y blushes can tend to run the risk of looking too bronze-y goddess for the more bold look. Chose a pale pink though as you don't want to overwhelm the colours you already have on your eyes.
Lips -
Now as we get to the lips I won't lie; I went a bit wild. I chose two different colours. One for the upper and one for the lower lip. I can tell you now, unless your using absolutely no-transfer, matte liquid lipsticks this will just MERGE into one! However, if you fancy having a go, two mattifying, no-transfer liquid lip sticks would work well for this trick. If you're going for the two-tone-lip I'd also recommend two complimenting tonal colours to keep the look delicate as opposed to editorially contrasting. If you just fancy the one shade on the lips, I'd say again go with formulas and products you feel comfortable with to prevent overwhelming however do consider a more satin lip to add that edge of chic with the collection of bright tones. For my look I chose pink shades as I felt as though it was a classic and wearable shade that adds brightness but in the most comfortable and common of ways. I feel pink is a shade most individuals would be used to and comfortable wearing on their lips.
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In my eyes ;), to achieve a bright yet delicate makeup look, especially for those cautious of bright colours, the key is in balance and minimal accents. I'd recommend choosing pastel or light colourful shades and then focusing on accentuating one or two shades, like I did here with the gold and pink. Using what I would call a jewel shade (like your golds, silvers and bronzes), is also a good option to act as the accentuating colour because, although bold, they are subtle and mesh beautifully with all colours. As does the jewellery you would wear with your clothes! I hope you've found this post useful or simply just enjoyed it as I enjoyed it being something a little more than a makeup look. Something with a bit of advice as to how I prefer to achieve bold yet gentle colourful looks in the warmer months. Please let me know in the comments if you have any tips for wearing bold of colourful makeup too as I'd love to know more fabulous tips!
Ellie Xx
I love how well you explain each step, makes it so easy for someone to recreate! Such a great post as always, you look stunning!xxx
Oh Alice do you really mean that :O ?!?! That is honestly the biggest compliment in the world to me sweet pea! Honestly thank you so, so much! I've always aimed and wanted to make my posts, especially tutorials as easy to follow as possible because that's something I really value and love in a blog post! :) Oh you beautiful girly; thank you so kindly; you're ever so kind! :D Are you going to re-create the look or try a spice of brightness in your Summer makeup? :) Xx
DeleteAww this is such a cute summer look! I could so imagine this look at a festive xx
ReplyDeleteLauren | itslaurenvictoria.co.uk
Awww, Lauren thank you so kindly! :D Not got any festivals planned as of current but I definitely think I need to enjoy this look at least once more this Summer! :D Xx