Goooooood Happy Halloween ya'll! Oooo I went all country mom there; it must be the Halloween Queen within me, haha. Previously on Halloween, two years ago, I posted what has become one of my most read posts to date, Stranger Things Halloween | Nancy Wheeler Outfit Ideas. This year I wasn't planning on doing a specifically Halloween themed post due to the re-RE-launch *inserts nervous laugh emoji* of my blog falling on this time. However a beautiful blogging friend of mine, Luci Barker, very kindly tagged me in the Hallotober Tag which she completed over on her blog earlier this month, The Hallotober TAG! | Blogtober. Thank you Luci! As I'm sure many of you full well know I am a lover of old school blogging and with that comes hand-in-hand my love of the classic Tag post! Since my posts are all pretty much scheduled around the blog re-launch for now I was a little sad that I wouldn't be able to fit this post in and enjoy completing the tag myself however,
do not fear my spooky friends!
I decided to post the tag as a sneaky little surprise extra, just for Halloween!
A perfect little treat to enjoy this frightful day, especially while cosied up instead of partying out this dreary year. Read a long, if you dare (I sound like an awfully cheesy Dracula, I am sorry, I'm having way too much fun with this) and have a nosy at my Halloween-y picks, likes and favourite frights...
The Rules:
- Thank the person who tagged you and link to their post
- Put the rules at the beginning or after introduction
- Answer the 13 questions
- Tag 13 people to do the tag
- Delete Question 13, add a new number one question of your own
- You are free to use the tag image somewhere in the post (I have produced my own picture for my tag post but if you'd like to use the tag image click the link to Luci's post)
P.S If you are pleased to see another Halloween post from me this year or are just looking for some more Halloween content to add to your blog reading list this home-ified Halloween day I also had the pleasure of producing a Halloween guest beauty post over on Luci's blog - Three Halloween Eye Looks to Try Before October Ends. | Blogtober.
1. Halloween or Christmas?
Oh what a tough first question! Now I do really love Halloween as every piece of it is just a whole lot of fun and creativity galore (yes, when I was younger I did used to the answer the door to trick o' treaters with my cat - all pets on door greeting - only the nice little trick o' treaters of course). Despite it's fun and numerous happy childhood memories (Halloween cat costume turned inside out school uniform my mum put me in one year permitting) Christmas just has such a special place in my heart, filled with special memories, which pips Halloween to the post for me. I would have to say Christmas but no hard feelings for Halloween.
2. What’s your favourite thing about October?
First thing that comes to mind, and I'm sorry to be cliché, but it has to be the changing of the colour of the leaves. Golden orange and all shades of goodness in between. <3 It certainly sparks my Autumn inspiration and, to me, that and the change it's self just makes everything feel fresh like a brand-new start.
3. Are you a big celebrator of Halloween?
I'd say yes because I love to indulge in all the festivities of it but I'm not so much the big party putter-on. Being just a wee family we've never had a Halloween party that I know of and we've often spent the night at family friend's annual Halloween parties. We like to dress up though, albeit my mum a little more subtlety. However, she did let me add a touch of deceased looking eyeshadow to her slightly zombified look one year. Usually I like to pop my wee sparkly pumpkin in the window and I often tailor what I'm wearing that day to something on the spookier side. Wednesday Adam's-esque to college one year and, for the evening, bride of the dead. I'll see if I can insert some pictures below...

4. What’s your favourite horror movie?
Gee wizz. Now I think I touched on this in my comment on Luci's Hallotober post. Horror films aren't actually something I've watched in a long time. Not out of fear or not liking them, I just simply haven't thought (or maybe had the time, I've had a crazy few last years) to sit down and watch a horror! I used to love and watched a few horror films as a teenager. I also very much remember secretly watching The Poltergeist, the original one, behind my mum's back after she had told me about it - I must have been asking her about scary movies from when she grew up - as I wasn't allowed to watch it. It was thrilling! I'd have to say maybe my favourite was The Possession. I went to see this in the cinema with Connor when we were younger and remember the ending truly sucking every breath of fear out of me. Haha. So for the thrill factor I'd say The Possession. The Woman in Black had a similar effect when she flies across the screen but the movie was just a bit too slow for me. Also I just couldn't not see the guy as Harry Potter!
5. Would you rather a cosy night in watching horrors or a big night out in a costume?
As much as I love dressing up and falling down the imagination rabbit hole with Halloween I'd have to say cosy night in watching horrors, and make that with Connor too! We never get enough time together. I do love the odd party costume night though. I guess that just seems a little bit of an abstract thought these days!
6. Which has been your favourite costume to date?
Oh my, there's been a few. I've loved them all! Makeup-wise I'd have to say my Nightmare Before Christmas Sally Makeup Tutorial that I shared on my blog back in 2017. A whole lot of blue face paint and a whole lot of blending but I was so made up how well it turned out. Costume-wise I' say either my bride of the dead look or my dead ballerina - throwback 2012!
7. Bobbing for apples or pin the hat on the witch?
Now I hadn't never heard of pin the hat on the witch until I came across the Hallotober Tag! I'd be inclined to say bobbing for apples as I do have some experience in that activity however it's not something I thoroughly enjoyed at Halloween. I was always so fearful I was going to lose a tooth bobbing! Pin the hat on the witch might be a safer more gentle round of fun therefore I'd say pin the hat on the witch!
8. How do you celebrate Halloween?
As a small family in recent years we have often spent the day at home and, in my mum's usual celebratory fashion, my mum tends to do a little buffet, we pick something fun to watch together, I grace the windowsill with my glittery pumpkin (so old it doesn't light up anymore) and we await with a small bowl of sweets and chocolates for small trick o' treaters. Last year I spent it with Connor and sadly no trick o' treaters knocked at his door. We were also working around the day for the most part however it left a rather nice free-from chocolate-y treat for myself to enjoy cosied up after the festivities!
9. What’s your least favourite horror?
Probably the Scary Movie films or Final Destination series. The Scary Movie films just seem too gimmicky to me and just don't entertain me. On the other hand, I'm all for ghosts and hauntings but I hate gore and torture so Final Destination and Saw for that matter are a no go for me. 😭
10. Do you have a favourite trick or treating memory?
Hmmm maybe no specific ones for me as they are all filled with happy memories, shouting "trick or treat" as loud as you possibly can, although I did find it a bit awkward sometimes. I'd have to say my favourite is not one of my own, it's when we took Connor's younger siblings trick or treating a year or two ago. Bless Connor's younger brother, we got in and he thought his bag felt really light despite a very good night of trick or treating only for us to find he developed a whole in his bag along the way! We all laughed together and shared the remaining sweets out and his brother didn't mind. That was just a corker!
11. What’s your favourite thing about Halloween?
I'd say the cute decorations and the excuse to go all out creative with every little bit of it - Halloween touches to your OOTD, FOTD; spooky season nails and little touches to your everyday style. It just seems a magical time in its own little magical way.
12. Scary costume or silly costume?
For the most part I'd probably say scary but in the sense of some very spookily realistic makeup. In latter years though the thought of sillier costumes has crossed my mind and amused me greatly. If there was a Halloween bash this year I'm convinced I could have had me and Connor to go as Anakin and Padmé - we watched A LOT of Star Wars this year!
13. Are you a fan of Autumnal Fashion (layering) and Makeup?
Yes to Autumnal fashion as yes to the cosiness of layering but layering is something I've always found quite difficult to pull off! I don't know how these people do it so effortlessly over on the gram! I love a collared shirt and jumper <3 but there's only so many you can do before you turn it into your seasonal obligatory uniform! Autumnal makeup... do I even need to answer *inserts all the heart eyed emojis*.
My Nominations
I pick....
- hannamaixo
- its lauren victoria
- Cole of the Ball
- Cristy Jade Lydia
- Ceelavie
- Danielle Levy
- Anna Nuttall
- Megan Ellizabeth
- Steph's World
- The Lilac Scrapbook
- Lorna Loves
- Sarah Chappell X
- Yours, Chloe x
Now I know I'm posting my tag on Halloween it's self so I'm going to set my own little rule here. If you are one of the lovelies I have tagged I challenge you to complete this and share this for the very first of October next year and set the Hallotober Tag rolling! Or if you fancy, post it tonight! As mentioned above there is a tag picture, featured in Luci's post, you can use. I'd love to see your answers and all who you tag too!
Tags are one of my most favourite ways to discover new blogs! <3
My Questions
1. What is your most favourite Halloweeen YouTube video you have watched to date?
2. Halloween or Christmas?
3. What’s your favourite thing about October?
4. Are you a big celebrator of Halloween?
5. What’s your favourite horror movie?
6. Would you rather a cosy night in watching horrors or a big night out in a costume?
7. Which has been your favourite costume to date?
8. Bobbing for apples or pin the hat on the witch?
9. How do you celebrate Halloween?
10. What’s your least favourite horror?
11. Do you have a favourite trick or treating memory?
12. What’s your favourite thing about Halloween?
13. Scary costume or silly costume?
And that's the tag!
Thank you so very much for popping by and reading. I do hope you've had a jolly time seeing my spooky season answers wherever you may be this Halloween. If you'd like a little more Halloween blog content to enjoy this eve, as mentioned above, I also produced a Halloween themed beauty guest post for Luci's blog this week - Three Halloween Eye Looks to Try Before October Ends. | Blogtober. Be sure to check it out for more Halloween fun or even some November Autumn makeup inspiration to enjoy before the Christmas bells start ringing!
And in a flash, Halloween was gone!
I'll be back to normal posting from tomorrow and there's another long-awaited blog post coming tomorrow or Monday that's be patiently waiting to be shared since early 2019 - it's a very special blog post! Skincare lovers and beauty bloggers/ blog lovers, you're in for a treat!
Till tomorrow or Monday,
Ellie Xx
- Something you want to save? Pin me! -

Great tag - I love holiday tags so much! :)
ReplyDeleteJenna ♥
Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin
Hey Jenna! Thank you so kindly, I'm made up you liked the post! Can't beat a good old fashioned tag! :) You should do it too next October! I'd love to read yours. :)
DeleteIf your doing any holiday tags this Christmas and need someone to tag I'd be overjoyed to join in! :D Wishing you a happy beginning to festive season. <3 xx