And here we are! Blogger Babble Tag No. 2
The idea of the tag is that you collab with a fellow blogger of your choice, pick a specific theme to focus on together and ask each other 20 related questions to answer in their blog post. You can also tag other fellow bloggers to complete you chosen themed Blogger Babble Tag too and share the fun and getting to know each other further! Here are the instructions, to be included in the tag post for clarity...
- Collaborate with a fellow blogger of your choice.
- Ask each other 20 questions, based on one chosen specific theme.
- Each blogger then posts the questions their fellow blogger gave to them and their unique answers in their blog post.
- Don't forget to include the Blogger Babble Tag instructions in your post too!
- If you wish, tag other blogging buddies at the end of your post for even more fun and they can buddy up and collaborate on their own Blogger Babble too.
- Link your fellow blogger at the end of your post and their post, sharing their questions and answers too!
Happy Blogger Babbling!
For this festive season, me and Lorna have chosen to focus on all things festive beauty. Something we both love and write a lot about on our blogs! If you are a fellow self-confessed beauty addicted or are equally just as excited to read about all things Christmas beauty then you'll sure want to keep reading on and see my answers to the 20 questions Lorna has given me!
Lorna's (Lorna Loves') Questions to Me:
1. Do you plan your festive looks or go with the flow?
For the big day, Christmas day, I don't really plan my makeup look but I do tend to curate an imaginary list of some little things I'd love to do with my makeup on the day, e.g some sparkle or a red lip. For the run up to Christmas I just enjoy having festive fun with my makeup and doing whatever and wherever my imagination takes me!
2. If you answered plan for Q1, What makeup look do you have planned for Christmas Day? If you answered go with the flow for Q1, do you use makeup gifts from Christmas for your Christmas Day look or makeup you already have open?
Even though I'm not a Christmas Day makeup planner I've no ideas yet! I'm hoping and excited to go all out Christmas-y with my makeup look this year though! In years gone by I've used some things I've got on Christmas day, for example my most memorable was the Christmas I received by first Beauty Blender, which I spoke about in my Huge Beauty Empties 2020. I'm looking forward to delving into my current makeup stash this Christmas though and enjoying all the gems I've got as I've got quite the makeup collection!
3. What beauty gift sets do you find hard to resist?
Makeup brands that I really want to try or certain products I have on my wish list, especially if they are good value for money! I haven't asked for a makeup or beauty gift set for a few Christmas' now as I'm the ripe old age of 22 and always tell my boyfriend he doesn't need to get me anything for Christmas. On my imaginary wish list though, I find it hard to resist a Sleek or NYX gift set and have also long swooned over the Too Faced Christmas gift sets! Me and Lorna were only just sharing our love for the Too Faced Liquid Matte Lipsticks the other day and me and Hanna were also drooling over the Too Faced Christmas Snuggles And Melted Kisses Liquid Lipstick Set they have this year.
4. What are your opinions on beauty advent calendars?
I do love them and I have had and absolutely loved some incredible ones in the past! - Tanya Burr and Makeup Revolution I'm looking at you - . I think they 'can be' incredible value for money and I love being able to try and explore so many new beauty products. I must say though, in recent years I've been saving the pennies and in my last job I didn't really get chance to enjoy my makeup as much as I wanted to and I have such a vast makeup collection I felt it was silly to spend money on more makeup I probably wouldn't get to use. In addition, I feel like every brand known to man has kind of jumped on the beauty advent calendar bandwagon now and I either feel as though many are quite extravagantly priced or they just aren't as good as they used be. Does anyone remember the Tanya Burr, old Makeup Revolution and Benefit advent calendars, and that NYX disco one with like 24 soft matte lipsticks!? (I think that might have been a gift set that NYX one but nevertheless, those were the days!).
What's your favourite beauty advent calendar you've ever had? Comment below!
5. What is your favourite festive blog post?
Oh gee whiz what a marvellously good question! In terms of a generic post idea, I'd have to go with budget beauty gift guides or Christmas makeup looks. In terms of my all-time favourite Christmas blog post I've ever read - this is very difficult and I'm probably going to forget one absolute stonker of a blog post I adored in days gone by - I'd have to say Zoe Sugg's 2014 Too Faced Christmas Collection. I remember being absolutely gob smacked, head over heels with how stunningly gorgeous the whole collection was and adored all the photos of the sets in her post. I do remember everything being a little more Nutcracker-like though, with swans and carousels however I've had a quick mooch through the Too Faced Christmas collections of years gone by and think I may be merging them all together in my memory. I wanted to purchase one of those sets so badly and since I have been forever obsessed with the Too Faced Christmas collections. Sadly I think all the pictures in Zoe's post have broken now but it was a gem back in the day! If I could pick one of my own, I'd also say my old Christmas Berry Makeup Look as the pictures and everything about it all turned out so well!
6. Do you think beauty gift sets are good value for money?
YES! I think they'll always be the odd one that are more on the indulgent side but in my experience I've always found them exceptional value for money and great for getting to try a wealth of so many new beauty products. They are also great for year-ahead body care come the Boxing Day sales and I've grabbed my self some real steals in years gone by - giant Soap & Glory beauty box I'm looking at you!
7. What brand has the gift sets you are a sucker for every year?
- Soap & Glory
- Sleek
- Too Faced
8. Do you shop the Boxing Day sales? If so, how do you prepare?
Well first of all, I bloody love them - although I would 100% love if they moved them to the day after Boxing Day so families and loved ones can have a rest. I've only physically been Boxing Day sales shopping once or twice in my life, probably as it's quite the rarity my mum has had it off but each were so fun. One was with my mum - that's the year I got the absolute stonker of a Christmas Soap & Glory beauty box and so many other gems in Boots and LUSH. The other was with Connor, God bless his soul, and we queued up for LUSH and I remember the second I stepped in the lovely customer assistant asked me if there was anything I was looking for and I blurted out SNOW FAIRY! I was very thankful to him and it was just all so much fun. I also think online Boxing Day sales are equally as thrilling and are often great if you've got your eye on some certain beauty pieces. Also, Debenhams online Christmas beauty sale - hold the phone! - But RIP Debenhams also as I think it's really going this time. 😠I'd say for both it's in the planning. If there's something I'm eyeballing I'll get ready to hop straight to it online and keep note of when the online Boxing Day sales start. Likewise, on the occasions we have gone out Boxing Day sales shopping it's, pick which shops we want to go to and ordered them by our top sales wants; check the earliest train times and opening times of the shops we want to go to; plan leaving time; plan get ready time (e.g outfit, makeup) and set morning alarm; be ready for impromptu hot drink stop en route to keep us warm while queuing - usually though we just head straight to our first most favourite shop!
9. Do you find being vegan and cruelty free makes it hard to receive beauty gifts at Christmas?
Not in the slightest. I'm always so grateful for anything I receive at Christmas and, I hope this is not bad, more so when I first went vegan and not many people knew I actually found so much joy in sharing my non-vegan/ cruelty free presents, whether that be giving them to a loved one who I know will have so much fun with them, like Connor's younger sister, or donating them to give something beautiful to someone who might not be able to afford or receive it. I always give great thanks for anything I receive and the thought means the absolute world to me. In recent years my loved ones have become quite savvy in vegan and cruelty free gift hunting and I've been gifted some absolute beautiful and incredible gems, especially things I've never tried before. Some include, the Natura Brasil hand cream set my mum got me from New York last year (which I reviewed in my Huge Beauty Empties 2020), Delilah Cosmetics and LUSH.
10. What advice would you give someone who is shopping for someone who is vegan and cruelty free?
Oh gee whiz, okay... If you're searching for a vegan and cruelty free beauty present and want to know which brands to look at, Cruelty Free Kitty and Ethical Elephant and two incredible blogs that help deciphering which brands are really vegan and cruelty free so simple and easy. Vegan Beauty Girl is also really good and I especially love her Instagram for quick vegan and cruelty free beauty news and product finds! Secondly, if you can, I'd maybe subtly ask the person what their wanting for Christmas or any beauty things they are loving at the moment. You could even ask a friend or close relative of theirs if there's any beauty products they're really wanting to make it even more of a surprise. Lastly I'll point you in the direction of, Holland & Barrett, Superdrug, The Body Shop, Beauty Bay and Boots. Ask their staff or send them a tweet or message as they'll be great at helping you find their selection of vegan and cruelty free beauty products. The Body Shop are especially good at this, as I talked about in my Ad | My First Blogger's Event! | An Evening With The Body Shop Liverpool blog post.
11. Did you buy anything in the Black Friday sales this year?
Not this year, no. As I said, I've been saving my pennies but also greatly enjoying swimming in and exploring my giant beauty stash I already own!
12. I’m going to list 5 iconic makeup trends for the festive period, for each trend, name your holy grail product that you would use to achieve the trend!
- Dewy Skin
Elf Flawless Finish Foundation
- Matte Skin
Too Faced Peach Perfect Setting Powder
- Sparkly Eyes
Peaches and Cream Pigments (although do check for the vegan label on the product on their website as some old ones have contained carmine in the past I believe)
- Red Lips
I'd have to say, for me it's a very old Ted Baker lipstick I have from a Christmas gift set of years gone by but if I were to pick a new vegan and cruelty free option I'd say the Too Faced Melted Matte Liquified Long Wear Lipstick, shade Hot Stuff or Lady Balls (how can you not love that name).
- Stay All Day Makeup
It's between the Too Faced Peach Perfect Foundation or Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray. Sorry, I just can't pick one! 😀
13. What is the most adventurous festive makeup look you have done?
Hmmm, maybe it has been my Christmas Berry Makeup Look as it was quite a bold eye for me at the time. I definitely need to start picturing my Christmas makeup looks more, or just my makeup looks for that matter!
14. What YouTuber/influencer do you turn to for Christmas makeup inspiration
I have to say, it's got to be Zoe Sugg. ❤ She just oozes all things Christmas and me and my Christmas loving heart just bloody love it!
15. Have you asked for any beauty products this Christmas, if so, what are they?
Not really, as I said I don't really ask for anything for Christmas these days but I have put strong hints out for hand cream as my hands are bloody awful right now!
The more hand cream the merrier!
16. Do you have a specific skincare routine on the run up to Christmas? If so, what is it?
On the run up, or night before I should say, to any special occasion, my most adored beauty routine if I really have the time is, bath, scrub and shave (I'm not one for a festive hairy pit and do like to oodle at how smooth my legs are); hair wash and treatment; and usual skincare but scrub and face mask, if I really have the chance.
17. What is your Christmas Eve beauty routine? How do you prepare for the big day?
Probably all of the above and if I absolutely have no time I at least like to ensure I do a face scrub pre-sleep. On Christmas Eve's, a festive nail too! (It's usually chipped off somewhere by Christmas morning though!).
18. A friend asks for makeup this year for Christmas, they aren't into makeup and you have a budget of £25, what would you buy them?
Something fun! Or a holy grail staple, like the Zao Aloe Vera Mascara or a Too Faced Melted Matte Liquified Long Wear Lipstick. My bestie Laura bought me a lipstick for Christmas last year and I found it so exciting just having one new staple beauty product, from a brand I hadn't tried before, to try. For something fun I was going to say like a pigment gift set or any gift set from Peaches and Cream but what might be even more fun - something me and my friends have done and loved before, is instead spending the money on a beauty session, e.g with Peaches and Cream. You can go together, have bundles of fun getting your makeup done and be absolutely pampered, get to explore things for a makeup newbie and then they can pick their complimentary product to purchase in exchange for the price of the session - so many makeup stores and counters do this!
19. Have you seen any makeup trends that you love this year and would like to incorporate into your festive makeup looks?
I'm going to say, and it might be a little odd, but sparkles! I can't say I've seen loads or people go all out sparkly with their makeup this year but I definitely feel as though there's been an air of it! After such a grim year I feel like going all out with sparkly eyeshadow is just a beautiful trend and way to enjoy the little things in life this year. There's not been an awful lot of makeup trends out there this year if we're honest. It's more so been the trend of,
I got dressed! Now how do I wear makeup again?
20. What beauty gifts have you received at Christmas that you love the most/became holy grails?
Last but not least, here's a little list of some of my most memorable beauty gifts I have received to date...
I will note any that have become a holy grail with (HG). P.S Of course some from years gone by may not be cruelty free or vegan.
- No7 mascara - my first ever mascara that my mum mistakenly gave to be in a little free No7 Christmas gift set she got, which she tried to hide from me but I ended up sneaking it back and trying to apply it all over my eyes at the ripe old age of about 7-9, with my cousin during our Christmas house party I think. My mum was not impressed but their began my obsession with makeup, leveling up from just lipstick to my first mascara application.
- YSL Rouge Volupte Lipstick -
- Beauty Blender (HG)
- Zoeva Graphic Eyes Eye Liner - Nude Reflection (HG)
- Benefit Sweet Cheeks Palette
- Urban Decay Naked on the Run Palette
And that's my Christmas Festive Beauty Favourites | Blogger Babble Tag in collaboration with Lorna Loves! I do hope you enjoyed the post and reading my festive beauty answers as much as I enjoyed answering all Lorna's questions. It has been a whirl of fun to do and I'd highly recommend anyone giving the tag a go just for the sheer fun it was to do! Lorna has answered the 20 unique questions I have asked her over in her Festive Beauty Favourites | Blogger Babble Tag post here -> Christmas Blogger Babble Collab w/EllieBowsandSparkles | Blogmas 2020 so if you didn't want this post to end, there's more to read over in Lorna's post!
If you're a beauty lover like myself you might be wanting to keep up to date with all the fabulous beauty content Lorna produces and hence here are all her socials below to keeping your beauty admiring heart full of beauty joy...
Instagram - _lornaloves
Twitter - @LC_Blog_
If you enjoyed this post and want to have a go at our Festive Beauty Favourites edition Blogger Babble absolutely go for it, use our questions or even write your own, and do tag me somewhere as I'd love to see it! Also, don't forget to comment your favourite beauty advent calendar from years gone by too!
P.S I'd just like to let you all know, blooper alert, right now me and Lorna are both stress editing our posts to go up, bursting for a wee and having half eaten. 😅
Next time I'll be back here it'll be almost Christmas!
For now,
Ellie Xx
- Something you want to save? Pin me! -

Cute tag! Perfect for the holidays :)
ReplyDeleteJenna ♥
Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin
Thank you so much Jenna! :D I love the Blogger Babble Tag. Really looking forward to doing more in the future! :) xx
DeleteOh I love a good tag post; some great answers!
ReplyDeleteLuci |
Oh me to! We should do a Blogger Babble Tag in the new year! I’d love to do one with you. :)
DeleteThank you very kindly! I went for sparkles and a red lip on the big day too! :’)
Ellie xx