At the start of the new year I had a budding urge to have a good old sort through my makeup collection and I thought, what better time to declutter your makeup collection than at the beginning of the year? Fast forward and here we are in March again (who gave time permission to fly and how is this not the 26th of January still!?). So although a little over due for the new year, perfect timing for that early year Spring clean!
I was most excited to delve through my collection in its new set up and share all the products I have amassed in my collection. Although a blog post would have been suffice, I thought it'd be even more fun though to film a little video and take you through my makeup collection as I declutter through! So, forgive me if I'm a little rusty. I've not filmed many the video before and I am certainly not the expert in videography. Think of it as virtually popping around for a little nosey through my makeup collection, with some satisfying makeup collection decluttering too. There's really some shockers! Due to file size I wasn't able to embed the video straight into the blog post, so - exciting times I know right - this will actually be my first ever YouTube video I upload! Yes I have a channel, it's been in my pipeline to start it up for some time but I guess now is the time to start and share it. Hop on over if you wish, at Ellie Bows & Sparkles, and take a look - it's basic I can assure you! If you're here for the makeup collection declutter however no need to disappear, here's the video below...
Enjoy! - P.S it's a long one. Grab a preferred drink and snack of choice!
> I could not for the life of me find the post where I talked about experimenting more with the Urban Decay setting spray, apologies but that was simply it, just trying and experimenting with it more and finding how it performs the very best!
> The original post where I talked about the Bourjois powder...
> The beauty haul post that I got Barry M palette in...
My goodness and there we have it. My entire makeup collection declutter in just under one hour! And...
my very first YouTube video upload!
Side note: I still have a draw full of all those "to get rid items" that I still haven't made the final cut and got rid of them! Now I've uploaded this I must do that, haha. Gee wiz, filming and editing is really hard work! I am exhausted! As I noted in the video description, I'm not sure where my YouTube journey will venture to nor if it will even venture anywhere! Nevertheless, I am hoping to share more on my YouTube channel as the year goes on. So be sure to subscribe for a surprise in your inbox in the future! Haha.
Do you know, I kick myself every time, each and every time I come to upload a blog post recently I always finally commit to an upload date and still spend the last hour frantically trying to tie up loose ends of it! Note to future Ellie - get better at batch writing your blog posts!
I really hoped you enjoyed the post and the video, decluttering my rather extensive or maybe rather average makeup collection. Have you done any makeup collection decluttering recently? Let me know in the comments below. I definitely haven't been buying as much makeup in recent years compared to my prior more social years but instead have actually really been enjoying exploring my makeup collection and "shopping my stash" since my job switch. I feel as though it's been a time for good clear outs and fresh starts.
Until my next post (hint, hint, February Favourites, hint hint),
Ellie Xx
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