Has Anybody Asked You... How's Life Lately

Sitting on the grass on a bright, sunny day, with legs stretched in front and my yellow gingham dress resting over my legs, just above my knees.
Well hello there! It's been a few days, shall we say, since I uploaded a blog post and that's part and parcel of the reason why I wanted today's post to be a casual little chit chatty one. So pop the kettle on and come sit down! I haven't got a specific plan for this post other than I just felt like having a little sort of sit down and catch up with yourselves, my few but very much treasured regular blog readers, as to how I've been and where I've been up to recently. Feeling in need of this little virtual friend-to-friend catch up, it raised the question in my mind, don't we all need a little "how's life lately" question from time to time? So today I'm sharing with you my "how's life lately" and where I've been up to since my last blog post.

Stick around because I have a question for you, yes you, at the end too!

First of all, wasn't that two-day mini heat wave incredible!! Yes, I took full opportunity of it and I did pull out my bikini from the depths of my draws and lounged on the sun lounger in my garden. Wild I know but it was grand - honestly times like this here in the UK are far and few between, you've got to take it when it comes! So since posting my July Favourites a couple of weeks ago life has been a lil bit busy! Of current our friend COVID has still be reeking havoc and there's been more pinging than a table tennis match, so I've been happily taking up some extra over time in work where I can. With the challenges of COVID though everything has been a little more sporadic than usual so I've been doing a lot of last minute shifts and some a bit back-to-front hours, which I don't mind but I don't think I've been accounting for my wee body clock and that doing some yo-yo-y hours might mean it needs a chance extra to catch up here and there and get it's self back into a somewhat of a normal routine. So although work has been great and I've been loving being able to work more and help out, sporadic shifts due to COVID have definitely been catching up with my body clock a little this last week or so and I've found it hard to give my body clock the credit to catch up with myself and not be annoyed when I find myself feeling tired at midday or struggling to wake up early after finishing late.

Speaking of work, I've really been having a great time in my job! If you know from previous posts I took a bit career move and decided to leave my current profession that I had trained for back towards the end of 2020 and have a complete change and fresh start. Things weren't good and I wasn't happy in the job I was in. Since switching jobs though I've been over the moon. I'm having a great time, I'm a lot better in myself and earlier this year I moved into a new role that I've been absolutely loving! At the beginning of August you may or may not know that I'd been working towards an exam for my new role so a lot of spare time I had in the beginning of August I dedicated to revising. 

And happily I'd like to say... I passed! 

So I've been over the moon with that but likewise catching up with life outside of work again after focusing my time on studying.

Oh the sun has just come out while I'm writing this and it is glorious! Can I just say, what a heck of a moody storm we had the other day with the recent hot weather. I think we can now safely say Summer has well and truly gone out with a bang and we are having a fully saturated arrival into Autumn here up north!

Legs resting, stretched out, on the grass diagonally. My yellow gingham dress rests over the tops of my legs.
On the subject of catching up with things, I've also recently and wonderfully been able to catch up with so many of my friends in person that I haven't seen in ages. Days have been filled with meeting up, coffee trips and also the odd trip out to nice things now we really can go out again. After life events at the beginning of this Summer it's been a blessing to catch up with all of my friends and has just been bloody lovely! Finally being able to see everyone though, of recent I've found myself feeling as though I'm on a self-imposed, non-stop marathon (God only knows why because nobody else is stressing but hey it's the pressures you put on yourself isn't it) with this overwhelming urge that I must see everyone I haven't seen as soon as I possibly can. Paired with split days off between working I've come to accept that I've got myself a little bit burnt out these last couple of weeks, happily though spending time doing things that make me happy but again not accounting for a break for myself. I've been feeling annoyed with my body these last couple of weeks that it just hasn't had the energy to do all the things I'd like to do in my free time and I've found myself having the odd lie in, tired afternoons and some very sloooooooooooooooooooow motivation. Nevertheless, in recent days I've come to accept this, that being a little kinder to myself that my body clock just needs time to recuperate a bit and that it's okay while I'm keeping busy with work and catching up with friends if I can't achieve everything I want to in a day or need to say no and just have a little rest sometimes. For instance, taking advantage of a spontaneous sunny afternoon and lounging in the heat wave like I'm on holiday by the sea!

So in hindsight, I'm really looking forward to seeing some friends in the coming weeks I've been yet to catch whilst also permitting myself a lazy cup of tea between that and work. 

So as you can see - I know I'm using so, so much in this blog post I am deeply sorry - I've not had much time for a lot of anything over the last two weeks because I've been spreading myself thinner than sunflower spread on a sandwich! So - there we go again - I was really hoping to have had more blog uploads recently but time just hasn't been permitting and I think some of you might have noticed that theme in my few "oh hopefully there'll be another blog post before the next monthly favourites" I've dropped in each of my Summer favourites posts recently! Nevertheless, although I just blog for fun I'm still passionate to post and create with regularity and still put my passion in to practice even when I'm tired and keep it up and keep it, well real. In other words, not just reserve my blogging for down days here and there. Post regularly as you'd expect any of your favourite bloggers and content creators to. And I must say I'm really made up I've stuck to it and, despite busier times like these past couple of weeks, have still uploaded all of my monthly favourites over the Summer! And yes, my August favourites will be coming next...

Picture looking down to my feet on the grass, whilst stood up, showing my pointed toe, scalloped edged black slip-on shoes and yellow gingham Summer dress, floating in the breeze.
And there we have it - likewise a lot of sentences starting with "and" in this post, I am utterly sorry for my awful writing - that's how life has been lately for me. Right now I'm really enjoying getting back into the swing of blogging and after catching up with myself over these two busy weeks. I'm still going to make sure I carry on being a little bit more sensible though in not aiming to do it all at once and allow my body clock a moment of catch up when required. So as I said, next post I'll be sharing my end of Summer August favourites and with a little twist this monthly favourites post! I'm also VERY excited to start sharing some Autumn content from here onward. The season of festivities has BEGUN! 😁 

Whilst I'm also really excited to get blogging away this Autumn I've been really excited about getting into making some more video content 😮😲! So I've taken the plunge anddd... I've decided I'm really going to give YouTube a go! So if you haven't seen, which more than likely you haven't because I haven't really uploaded properly on there, my main channel is at Ellie Bows & Sparkles, where I'm hoping will be an extension of my blog, sharing all things makeup, beauty, styling and a sprinkle of other delicious stuff too. In addition to that, I've also set up my vlogging channel, Ellie Vlogs & Sparkles, were I'm hoping to share the odd daily vlog, from good days to capture memories of, to maybe the odd festive little series you see some people doing on YouTube here and there... I am not making any promises but I am very excited - and a little be daunted! There's nothing new as of yet but there's something to come very soon. Again I am not making any firm promises of what's to come as this is all just to try for fun and it could all just be a major flop but life is for trying things and having fun!

And with that being said, it leads my very nicely onto the question I said I wanted to ask you right at the beginning of this post. So, how's life lately?

Comment below and let's all just take this opportunity to just have a good old chit chat together, let it all out and just take a moment to just catch up....

I'm all ears, Ellie...
