Good day you lovely lot! We are catching up with the weekly’s and I’ve decided to split the last two weeks of May into their own retrospective posts as there was much to enjoy! How was your last couple of weeks of May?
Without further ado, the weekly review!
Continuing on the theme from early on in May, I clearly had a hankering for pancakes. (It’s becoming a slight obsession at this point!). On one of those “what’s in the cupboards for lunch” days, I decided to muster up some peanut butter and banana pancakes.

Warm weather has called for many the lovely walk and one particular evening took us for a drive down to the seaside. There's just been the dreamiest of sunsets. I'm talking, sunsets at Devil's Dyke in Hove, from Zoe and Alfie's past vlogs - yes, I am 26 but I'm still very much a very big fan.

Something else the weather has been doing to me is the urge for little alfresco editing evenings in the garden. Since the addition of my little gem of a find in Aldi earlier in the month, that being our bargain chairs and table set, I've been a eager beaver to spend as much time out in the garden as I can and savour all these lovely evenings. A little ice cream didn't go a miss too!

We float on towards the latter of the week now and it was an exciting delivery from The Body Shop, making its way to my skincare draws. With all life's busyness at the min, I found myself in a bit of a skincare depletion in the skincare draws. Hand in hand with that, I have also (for the second time round - God help me I've got to crack it this time) been preparing for the final testing for my 'Battle of the Vegan Micellar Waters' blog post. I have spent months of scrupulous testing on a few contenders, some it's taken me so long that they've only gone and got discontinued! I am determined this is the last dance now and with regular posting becoming slowly more adherent I'm hoping to have the review up on the blog soon. There's one to keep your eyes peeled for if you're a skincare fanatic.

I've long loved The Body Shop, their ethos and what they do and since attending my first event with them, the Aloe Skincare Range has become an indisputable staple in my everyday skincare routine. Over the last year, I've switched up my cleanser to the Vitamin E Cream Cleanser but equally love it just as much. I'm trying to keep my skincare very much to a basic set standard, to avoid any variables whilst micellar water testing.

The weekend then graced us with more glorious weather so we couldn't help but make a little trip down to the seaside again. I think this picture of the bench on the seafront has to be one of my favourite pictures I've taken this year. It just encompasses ... peaceful.

I got a bit weird and wonderful with my shopping list come this week and I went for the strange concoction that I believe is an East Coast American thing. That is, jam and cheese on toast. I could be quite wrong but it was a lunch idea from an old video by Liv B I have saved. I go back to her recipe videos all the time. They're just so easy, I highly recommend them!

To round off the week (or so) I then thought to myself a little Subway treat wouldn't go amiss. Hence the picture. I felt compelled to capture it as I felt ironically French walking down the street in the sunshine, with my Subway (not so French) baguette! - Hanna, I was meant to send this to you and I didn't, this one's for you...
Ellie x
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